Surya Tabij/Yantra

Very good for various kinds of blindnesses, deafness, anosmia, loss of taste and touch, provided the structures of the organ are intact. Very good for anemias as hemoglobin builder.Very good for underdeveloped children and for bone diseases. It energizes the torpid liver. Relieves a frozen shoulder, helps restore energy to limbs weaken by paralytic strokes, cures chapped skins and even cracked ankles, cures aches caused due to cold, sprain or corns. cures ear problems - discharge, bleeding, impaired hearing, helps in curing backaches, joint pains, arthritis etc . ailments of the bloodstream, anemia, Physical debility and lassitude preserved from all perils. preserves the bodily and mental health, removes evil thoughts, controls amorous desires, dissipated pestilential vapors and reconciled disputes. protects against plague, neutralizes poison, promotes cheerful disposition and banishes evil spirits. It protects. Saves from enemies. Powerful against evil forces of all kinds attract the favor and the goodwill of those in authority. Wards evil dreams. It preserves the mind, also staying the approach of phantoms, or any noxious or harmful spirits. Maintains physical and mental health as well as safeguarding him.

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